Talking about Anneliese, her name comes from Anneliese Rothenberger, who was a German opera singer we liked very much. Anneliese enjoyed growing up with her younger brother, Dominique. On Saturday mornings Anneliese and Dominique went to music club, with Anneliese learning the Clarinet and Dominique, the trombone. Talking about Anneliese’s early life, we taught her French from a very young age. One day in her bath she turned to her Mother (with whom she spoke French) and said ‘tu sais Maman, ‘maison’ c’est ‘house’! and we wondered where she had learnt the English. Looking back Anneliese’s life was very full and she did so much for so many people in so many places and ways and experienced so much. She taught in a French school, she worked in a German shop and was au pair to a Spanish family and so much more. At her girls’ grammar school, Queen Anne’s, she was head girl and then went on to graduate from Cambridge with a BA in modern languages. But, life was not always easy;- Anneliese only just escaped with her life after being caught in the Mexico earthquake because the day before the earthquake took place, by good fortune she left the students’ hotel which collapsed. Anneliese also suffered a lot of ill health. Anneliese was an accomplished teacher, writer, author, and performer. All her extended family and friends appreciated her and will miss her terribly.