I was very lucky to work with Anneliese on her first live Buzzing performance, which was at York Unitarian Chapel, when it became the entire ‘Alternative Service’ on a fifth Sunday in the month. I had the honour of delivering the Latin name for each animal, and moving the photos on, while she delivered the poems with her amazing theatrical skills. It was always such fun.
Later, when I became a Trustee of St Nicks, I was hugely impressed by her prodigious support as our Patron in so many different ways, and over so many years. She will be very sadly missed.
The poem we remember her by most is this one called ‘Two Rivers run through it’, her history of York.
The Foss and the Ouse, they meet in York
And if these rivers could but talk
What tales they’d have to tell us all
Tales to frighten, to enthral
Tales of trade, of boats with sails
Laden with barrels, bolts, and bales
Tales of drought, and tales of flood
Leaving trails of silt and mud
Tales of Church and tales of State
From Roman times right up to date
Tales of pilgrims*, merchants, Lords
Of Vikings turning up from Fjords
Tales of arms, of friend and foe
Tales of history’s ebb and flow
The source of all York’s affluence
Its influence and eminence
Its dominance, munificence
Beneficence and continuance
Is here, at the rivers’ confluence
Without the Foss and Ouse there’d be
No Eboracum, no Jorvik, no history ...
*pilgrims was originally peasants, but she changed it to pilgrims when we told her about an Archaeological dig in Blue Bridge Lane, right by the confluence, where the body of an early medieval woman was found, clutching a scallop shell badge, a sure sign she had been a pilgrim on ‘The Camino’ which led to Santiago di Compostela. When Anneliese heard we had been inspired to make our own way to Santiago, she gave us her favourite quotation in Spanish from Antonio Machado, see photograph. In translation it means “The way is not the path; it’s how you make your own journey through life.” She certainly lived that to the full!
Thank you, Anneliese, for giving so much to so many by the inspiring way you lived your life
Adrian and Rowena Lovett
20th June 2022