"When the Wren sings"

Created by Jenny 2 years ago
Anneliese’s love of birds and of all things buzzing was infectious! When I hear a wren or see a ladybird, it’s her poems and her factabulous facts that come to mind. “When the Wren sings - Sings long - Sings loud…” The whole package was and is totally unique. So was her smile, and her enthusiasm in conversations. 
She’ll not be forgotten. I first met her at York Editors, maybe 18? years ago, when she spoke about her discovery of macro photography and minibeasts while recovering from ME. Then I saw her perform her Buzzing! poems, with unforgettable verve and personality – and with all those inimitable accents! She charmed us all, my two small children too. She did it again with Flying High – such fun! – I see many favourites now as I turn the pages of those two books. 
I think of her strong international spirit too, a love of all things European, especially links with Münster and Dijon and memories of travel. 
We had regular pub lunches as a threesome with a mutual friend, Dodi, and then Zoom chats through the pandemic, often sharing tips about good books and TV and websites to keep on expanding our horizons despite the limits.  
Dodi and I last saw her in the hospice briefly to say goodbye and I’m so glad I got the chance to do that. The last photo I sent her on Whatsapp was really simple, just a field with buttercups and cow parsley, and with characteristic generosity she replied with a little red heart. Much love always to you, Anneliese.